
The narratives we construct and inhabit play a pivotal role in the intricate tapestry of human achievement and personal well-being. These stories are not mere embellishments of our existence but foundational elements that shape our perception, actions, and, ultimately, our reality. This post explores the profound relationship between storytelling, the human mind, and project success, delving into concepts from neuroscience, philosophy, and project management.

 Mind is More Than Just a Product of the Brain

The concept of the embodied mind challenges the traditional view of the mind as a mere byproduct of brain activity. It posits that our cognition is deeply intertwined with our bodily experiences and the world around us. Neuroscience, philosophy, and social sciences provide a rich tapestry of evidence supporting this view. From the neuroscientific perspective, studies such as those described by Lisa Feldman Barret reveal how sensory and motor experiences shape cognitive processes. Philosophically, thinkers like Merleau-Ponty have argued for the primacy of perception and the body’s role in shaping the mind. Social sciences further illustrate how our interactions and cultural practices influence cognitive structures. This interdisciplinary convergence underscores the mind’s complexity, extending beyond the confines of the brain to encompass bodily and environmental interactions.

 The Predictive Brain

At the heart of our survival mechanism is the brain’s capacity for prediction. This process, illuminated by neuroscientist Anil Seth and others, is grounded in the concept of predictive perception. The brain anticipates and interprets sensory input based on past experiences to form coherent perceptions of the present and predictions of the future. This predictive machinery operates on principles akin to Bayesian logic, where prior knowledge is updated with new evidence to form posterior beliefs. This model is not only a cornerstone of our cognitive architecture but also finds parallels in machine learning and AI algorithms, where systems learn and adapt by continuously updating their models of the world.

 The Power of Stories in Shaping Perception

The narratives we engage with significantly influence our attention and, consequently, the brain’s predictive models. Drawing on Iain McGilchrist’s insights on the modes of attention, it becomes evident that how we attend to the world shapes our perception and reality. The act of attending, a cornerstone of the embodied mind paradigm, precedes and informs perception. Through stories, we focus our attention, shaping the ‘priors’ that our brain uses to predict reality. This dynamic interplay between storytelling and perception highlights the transformative power of narratives in sculpting our understanding and interactions with the world.

 Implications for Project Management

The principles of storytelling and predictive perception have profound implications for project management. Charlie Pellerin’s “context-shifting workshops,” as detailed in “How NASA Builds Teams,” exemplify how altering narrative contexts can transform team dynamics and performance. By identifying and reshaping detrimental stories, teams can foster positive relationships and enhance collaboration. Similarly, the concept of benefits management underscores the importance of narratives in capturing user perspectives and expectations. Phil Driver’s PRUB framework further illuminates how the articulation of project benefits and outputs through stories can bridge the gap between vision and reality, facilitating more effective and resonant project execution.


The stories we tell do more than narrate our experiences; they shape our perception, actions, and the outcomes we achieve. By understanding and leveraging the cognitive and narrative foundations of human thought and interaction, project managers can foster environments that nurture positive narratives, enhance team dynamics, and align project outcomes with desired benefits. In essence, the art of storytelling emerges as a critical tool in the project management arsenal, one that has the power to transform challenges into opportunities and aspirations into achievements.


Terry Cooke-Davies
4th April 2024

Special thanks to the AI assistance provided by ChatGPT (4) from OpenAI in shaping this article.

Perspectives: Management
Issues: Projects