Month: October 2023

Addressing Humanity’s Grand Challenges: The Need for Dialogue Over Debate

In an era marked by complex global challenges, the democratic approaches we employ come under scrutiny. Debate, characterized by defence of views, often takes centre stage, overshadowing dialogue’s mutual understanding. But as humanity faces its ‘wicked problems,’ a shift is needed. Prioritizing collective well-being and fostering open dialogue might be our best hope in navigating the intricacies of our modern challenges. Only through collaborative efforts can we seek holistic and sustainable solutions.

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The Search for Reality

In ‘The Search for Reality,’ we embark on a fascinating journey through key milestones in scientific naturalism—from ancient philosophy to modern physics. Yet, the article goes beyond the physical universe to ponder the intricate social world and the environment, urging us to reconsider our worldview for the future of our earthly home.

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