Subject: Combined studies

The Relational Responsibility Manifesto 

Our planetary and social crises stem from a loss of relationality—the false belief that we are isolated individuals, rather than deeply embedded in interconnected systems. This manifesto calls for a paradigm shift, urging individuals and leaders to restore relational responsibility, align governance with ecological balance, and reimagine progress as mutual flourishing.

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1.12: The Anthropocene

Homo Sapiens has been hugely successful as a species. We may have evolved from other animals, but with the development of self-aware consciousness, we’ve transcended the limits of purely biological evolution. Through our unique abilities we’ve created the Anthropocene epoch on earth, full of amazing technological and artistic achievements. But in the process, we’ve brought about a crisis that threatens the planet with serious damage and our own species with extinction. Where can we find the wisdom to respond to this predicament?

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