Perspective: Reimagining Tomorrow

Science Alone Won’t Save Us

Science is creating new vaccines and better ways of treating Covid-19. But vaccine nationalism, distrust of the vaccine, and maverick political leaders in pandemic hotspots aren’t helping.

These are barriers that cannot be overcome by science. They are social problems originating and promulgated in the minds of human beings. And that is where they must be resolved if we are to prevail in the current global struggle between homo sapiens and the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

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Homo Sapiens means ‘wise man’ in Latin, but our species is not always behaving wisely in the face of current challenges. This post introduces the web site

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A Thousand Ages

Our generation is the first that has been able to tell the story of the cosmos (from its origins at the ‘Big Bang’ to the universe we know today) in a form that is substantiated by reliable scientific evidence. People of all faiths and none have an urgent need to talk constructively to each other about the relationship between humanity and the rest of the earth community.

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