Perspective: Faith

Living in Praise: Worshipping and Knowing God

This revised and updated edition of one of the most influential works of theology published in recent years takes a fresh and joyous approach to some central questions. It explores the connections between prayer and praise and our knowledge of God, between worship and doctrine, between responding to God with love and living with wisdom and intellectual integrity.

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Life at the End of Us vs Them: Cross Culture Stories

Our present moment can no longer sustain a stable “us” defined against an alien “them.” So say René Girard and Ivan Illich, radical critics of both Christianity and culture. If they are right, this makes our time an endtime. The end of us against them can deteriorate into the chaos of each against each, or it can open outward into freely chosen communion. It is an expectant—and apocalyptic—time. How does one live in this strange, endtime world? As a wanderer in the odd, cross-culture country Girard and Illich have mapped, the author finds himself in a surprising new place in relation to those who are his other: women, queer folk, refugees, Muslims, atheists, and Indigenous people. In this collection of essays, he blinks, looks around, and makes some field notes.

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Jesus the Forgiving Victim

Jesus the Forgiving Victim Listening for the Unheard Voice is comprised of four books of essays.
Book One – Starting human, staying human
Book Two – God, not one of the gods
Book Three – The difference Jesus makes
Book Four – Unexpected Insiders

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How the Bible Actually Works

For many Christians, the Bible is a how-to manual filled with literal truths about belief that must be strictly followed. But the Bible is not an instruction manual or rule book but a powerful learning tool that nurtures our spiritual growth, argues Bible scholar Peter Enns. It does not hold easy answers to the perplexing questions and issues that confront us in our daily lives. Rather, the Bible is a dynamic instrument for study that not only offers an abundance of insights but provokes us to find our own answers to spiritual questions, cultivating God’s wisdom within us.

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In the Shadow of Empire: Reclaiming the Bible as a History of Faithful Resistance

The Bible tells the stories of many empires, and many are still considered some of the largest of the ancient and classical world: the Assyrians, the Babylonians, the Persians, the Greeks, and finally the Romans. In this provocative book, nine experts bring a critical analysis of these world empires in the background of the Old and New Testaments. As they explain, the Bible developed againstthe context of these empires, providing concrete meaning to the countercultural claims of Jews and Christians that their God was the true King, the real Emperor. Each chapter describes how to read the Bible as a reaction to empire and points to how to respond to the biblical message to resist imperial powers in every age.

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