Issue: Systems Thinking

Complex Responsive Processes in Organizations: Learning and Knowledge Creation

The past decade has seen increasing focus on the importance of information and knowledge in economic and social processes, the so-called ‘knowledge economy’. This is reflected in the popularity amongst practicing managers and organizational theorists of notions of learning, sense-making, knowledge creation, knowledge management and intellectual capital in organizations and more recently, of emotional intelligence as an important management skill. This insightful book:

argues that the information processing view of knowledge creation held by systems thinkers is no longer tenable

develops the alternative perspective of Complex Responsive Processes of relating, drawing on the complexity sciences as a source for analogies with human action

places self-organizing interaction at the centre of the knowledge creating process in organizations.

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Environmental Ethics and Uncertainty

This book offers a multidisciplinary environmental approach to ethics in response to the contemporary challenge of climate change caused by globalized economics and consumption. This book synthesizes the incredible complexity of the problem and the necessity of action in response, highlighting the unambiguous problem facing humanity in the 21st century, but arguing that it is essential to develop an ethics housed in ambiguity in response.

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Earth System Science: A very Short Introduction

When humanity first glimpsed planet Earth from space, the unity of the system that supports humankind entered the popular consciousness. The concept of the Earth’s atmosphere, biosphere, oceans, soil, and rocks operating as a closely interacting system has rapidly gained ground in science. This new field, involving geographers, geologists, biologists, oceanographers, and atmospheric physicists, is known as Earth System Science.

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PM Research Papers

A selection of research papers and articles authored or co-authored by Dr Terry Cooke-Davies between 1990 and 2017.

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