Issue: Religion and philosophy

Climate Change: A Wicked Problem

Under one cover, Frank Incropera provides a comprehensive, objective and critical assessment of all issues germane to the climate change debate: science, technology options, economic ramifications, cultural and behavioural issues, the influence of special interests and public policy, geopolitics and ethical dimensions.

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Can’t We Make Moral Judgments?

How many times do we hear the statement ‘It’s not for me to judge’? It conveys one of the most popular ideas of our time: that to make judgements of others is essentially wrong. In this classic text, the renowned moral philosopher Mary Midgely turns a spotlight on the ever popular stance in society that we should not make moral judgements on others.

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Can Only One Religion Be True?

This volume highlights points of agreement and disagreement on the subject of religious pluralism. The dialogue partners in the discussion are Paul F. Knitter, Paul Tillich Professor of Theology, World Religions, and Culture at Union Theological Seminary, and Harold A Netland, professor of Mission and Evangelism and director of Intercultural Studies at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Deerfield, Illinois.

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Returning from Camino

This is the first Guidebook for returning home FROM the Camino or any pilgrimage. We spend weeks deciding on footwear, clothes, gear, blister prevention, travel details, and maps. Yet preparing yourself to return home is just as crucial. The return home is not post-Camino. Like a sign on the road in Spain, “Our steps end. The Way goes on.”

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Postcards from Babylon

The original gospel proclamation that the Lord of the nations was a crucified Galilean raised from the dead and that salvation was found in vowing allegiance to Jesus of Nazareth unleashed a shock wave that turned the Roman Empire upside down. Early Christianity was subversive and dangerous—dangerous for Christians and a threat to the keepers of the old order. Most of all Christianity was countercultural. But what about contemporary American Christianity? Is it the countercultural way of Jesus or merely a religious endorsement of Americanism?

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