Issue: Religion and philosophy

Engaging the Powers

Wink explores the problem of evil today and how it relates to the New Testament concept of Principalities and Powers. He asks the question “How can we oppose evil without creating new evils and being made evil ourselves?” Winner of the Pax Christi Award, the Academy of Parish Clergy Book of the Year, and the Midwest Book Achievement Award for Best Religious Book.

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Ecology and Religion

From the Psalms in the Bible to the sacred rivers in Hinduism, the natural world has been integral to the world’s religions. John Grim and Mary Evelyn Tucker contend that today’s growing environmental challenges make the relationship ever more vital.

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Discipleship on the Edge

Revelation is probably the most read, but least understood book of the Bible. History is replete with examples of how not to interpret it, and books featuring end-of-world prophecy claims based on Revelation consistently top the bestseller lists. But how can the message of such an enigmatic book be applied to our lives today?

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Dialogue in a Pluralistic World

Pluralism is a characteristic features of the world we live in. People belonging to different cultures, religions, languages, traditions and ways of the together in reasonable harmony.These cultural and religious traditions and woven together in such a way that, while every culture and religion keeps its uniqueness, it is also enriched by other cultures and religions. But in recent years there has been an increased rupture in harmonious living.The communal conflicts and violence in the past few years is causing to the beautiful fabric of humanity.

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