Issue: Religion and philosophy

The Trouble with Resurrection: From Paul to the Fourth Gospel

The term resurrection has come to stand for what Christianity is all about. But a close look reveals that it should not be understood monolithically, but rather as a pluralistic and diverse phenomenon. Early Christian communities were convinced that Rome had not defeated Jesus when they crucified him. They employed a whole host of metaphors to express that conviction. The use of the single term resurrection to cover the phenomenon is a mistake-one that has tyrannized Christianity. Furthermore, most Christians believe in a physical resurrection, although Paul clearly calls this into question. Once that tradition became fixed, it provided the lens through which everything else was viewed-and distorted. The purpose of this book is not to say whether Jesus arose from the grave on the third day, or whether such an event is impossible. Rather, by examining the so-called resurrection stories in chronological order, it aspires to prompt readers to consider questions such as; what does the New Testament really say about the resurrection; what is the influence of Judaism on Christian belief in the resurrection; how did the resurrection become the central belief in Christianity; why did early Christians choose to believe in the resurrection; and why is resurrection not the right word.

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The Myths We Live By

Mary Midgley argues in her powerful new book that far from being the opposite of science, myth is a central part of it. In brilliant prose, she claims that myths are neither lies nor mere stories but a network of powerful symbols that suggest particular ways of interpreting the world.

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The Master and His Emissary: The Divided Brain and the Making of the Western World

This pioneering account sets out to understand the structure of the human brain – the place where mind meets matter. Until recently, the left hemisphere of our brain has been seen as the ‘rational’ side, the superior partner to the right. But is this distinction true?

Drawing on a vast body of experimental research, Iain McGilchrist argues while our left brain makes for a wonderful servant, it is a very poor master. As he shows, it is the right side which is the more reliable and insightful. Without it, our world would be mechanistic – stripped of depth, colour and value.

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