Issue: Philosophy

The Order of Time 

Time is a mystery that does not cease to puzzle us. Philosophers, artists and poets have long explored its meaning while scientists have found that its structure is different from the simple intuition we have of it. From Boltzmann to quantum theory, from Einstein to loop quantum gravity, our understanding of time has been undergoing radical transformations. Time flows at a different speed in different places, the past and the future differ far less than we might think, and the very notion of the present evaporates in the vast universe. —

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Age of Enlightenment: A History From Beginning to End 

From its beginnings as a loosely definable group of philosophical ideas to the culmination of its revolutionary effect on public life in Europe, the Age of Enlightenment is the defining intellectual and cultural movement of the modern world. Using reason as its core value, the Enlightenment believed that progress and the betterment of the human condition was inevitable. —

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Science, Philosophy & Spirituality – Season 1

An integrated review of what science, philosophy and spirituality contribute to our understanding and experience of the world today.
We each have a unique ‘worldview’ that is shaped by our knowledge, experiences and our beliefs. This course will provide the opportunity to examine (and possibly expand) that worldview in the light of modern scientific discoveries, critical questions posed by philosophers, and diverse beliefs revealed through spiritual traditions. It will be of particular interest to people who care about the lasting damage that humanity is causing to our home planet, and who are seeking to understand what resources the fields of science, philosophy and spirituality can offer

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The Matter With Things: Our Brains, Our Delusions and the Unmaking of the World

Is the world essentially inert and mechanical – nothing but a collection of things for us to use? Are we ourselves nothing but the playthings of chance, embroiled in a war of all against all? Why, indeed, are we engaged in destroying everything that is valuable to us?

In his international bestseller, The Master and his Emissary, McGilchrist demonstrated that each brain hemisphere provides us with a radically different ‘take’ on the world, and used this insight to deliver a fresh understanding of the main turning points in the history of Western civilisation.
In this landmark new book, Iain McGilchrist addresses some of the oldest and hardest questions humanity faces – ones that, however, have a practical urgency for all of us today. —

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