Issue: Ecology

Science, Philosophy & Spirituality – Season 1

An integrated review of what science, philosophy and spirituality contribute to our understanding and experience of the world today.
We each have a unique ‘worldview’ that is shaped by our knowledge, experiences and our beliefs. This course will provide the opportunity to examine (and possibly expand) that worldview in the light of modern scientific discoveries, critical questions posed by philosophers, and diverse beliefs revealed through spiritual traditions. It will be of particular interest to people who care about the lasting damage that humanity is causing to our home planet, and who are seeking to understand what resources the fields of science, philosophy and spirituality can offer

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Apocalypse Never: Why Environmental Alarmism Hurts Us All

Michael Shellenberger has been fighting for a greener planet for decades. He helped save the world’s last unprotected redwoods. He co-created the predecessor to today’s Green New Deal. And he led a successful effort by climate scientists and activists to keep nuclear plants operating, preventing a spike of emissions.

But in 2019, as some claimed “billions of people are going to die,” contributing to rising anxiety, including among adolescents, Shellenberger decided that, as a lifelong environmental activist, leading energy expert, and father of a teenage daughter, he needed to speak out to separate science from fiction.

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The Geography of Thought: How Asians and Westerners Think Differently — and Why

When Richard Nisbett showed an animated underwater scene to his American students, they zeroed in on a big fish swimming among smaller fish. Japanese subjects, on the other hand, made observations about the background environment…and the different “seeings” are a clue to profound underlying cognitive differences between Westerners and East Asians. As Professor Nisbett shows in The Geography of Thought people actually think – and even see – the world differently, because of differing ecologies, social structures, philosophies, and educational systems that date back to ancient Greece and China, and that have survived into the modern world.

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Thank God for Evolution: How the Marriage of Science and Religion will Transform Your Life and Our World

Few issues have revealed deeper divisions in our society than the debate between creationism and evolution, between religion and science. Yet from the fray, Reverend Michael Dowd has emerged as a reconciler, finding faith strengthened by the power of reason.

With evidence from contemporary astrophysics, geology, biology, anthropology, and evolutionary psychology, Thank God for Evolution lays out a compelling argument for how religion and science can be mutually enriching forces in our lives.

Praised by Nobel laureates in the scientific community and religious leaders alike, Thank God for Evolution will expand the horizon of what is possible for self, for relationships, and for our world

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