Issue: Current challenges

A New Story

Thomas Berry (1914 – 2009) argued passionately that we need a New Story that provides a shared meaning for humankind of whatever faith (or none) to pursue their own different activities as fruitful and responsible members of the earth community.

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Hearing Christ in Context

We now understand the origins of the universe, the earth and life better than we did 2,000 years ago. So if Christ’s authentic voice is to be heard, it must be believable. It must be heard in the context of a story that holds up in the light of scientific discoveries, supported by evidence that withstands scrutiny. Which is why we can no longer see science and faith as opposing each other, and why serious attempts to understand both the wisdom of religions (including but not restricted to Christianity) and the evidence of science such as Yale University’s ‘Journey of the Universe’ should be embraced by Christians.

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The Biblical accounts of creation in the book of Genesis have been the focus of much apparent conflict between Christians and Scientists. This series of 11 studies takes a thoughtful look into the text, and identifies how people who accept the scientific accounts of creation can still find deep spiritual wisdom in the Bible’s opening book.

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Current Issues

11 thoughtful discussion papers about controversial issues concerning the church, faith and scripture that can create challenges for Christians today.  Faith and Science, Ethics and Morality, Conflict and Violence, Evil and Disaster are all topics that are considered thoughtfully in the light of both up-to-date scientific knowledge and spiritual wisdom contained in the Bible.

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