Issue: Current challenges

A Thousand Ages

Our generation is the first that has been able to tell the story of the cosmos (from its origins at the ‘Big Bang’ to the universe we know today) in a form that is substantiated by reliable scientific evidence. People of all faiths and none have an urgent need to talk constructively to each other about the relationship between humanity and the rest of the earth community.

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Are We Special

This book offers a penetrating analysis of issues raised by the perennial question, ‘Are We Special?’ It brings together scholars from a variety of disciplines, from astronomy and palaeontology to philosophy and theology, to explore this question.

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Darwin’s Unfinished Symphony

Humans possess an extraordinary capacity for culture, from the arts and language to science and technology. But how did the human mind—and the uniquely human ability to devise and transmit culture—evolve from its roots in animal...

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