Issue: Current challenges

Ecology and Religion

From the Psalms in the Bible to the sacred rivers in Hinduism, the natural world has been integral to the world’s religions. John Grim and Mary Evelyn Tucker contend that today’s growing environmental challenges make the relationship ever more vital.

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Creating Freedom: Power, Control and the Fight for our Future.

In Creating Freedom, Raoul Martinez exposes the mechanisms of control that pervade our lives and the myths on which they depend. Exploring the lottery of our birth, the coercive influence of concentrated wealth, and the consent-manufacturing realities of undemocratic power, he shows that our faith in free media, free markets, free elections and free will is dangerously misplaced. Written with empathy and imagination, this scholarly, fierce and profoundly hopeful manifesto makes a dazzling case for creating freedom on our own terms.

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Created Co-creator: An Alternative to Anthropocentrism and Ecocentrism

Nature somehow complements the lives of human beings. Non-human world help human beings to actualize their potentialities and possibilities. But now a days nature is being ruthlessly exploited by human beings. To amass wealth, human beings exploit non-human world and its resources without considering nature’s demand. It instigates catastrophic incidents like ozone depletion, green gas effect etc. To resolve or even to justify such problems human beings tried to view nature from human being centered perspective. In contrast, a group of people tried to find ways to settle those issues by interpreting events from nature’s perspective.

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Blue Planet, Blue God.

In a unique collaborative project, the oceanographer Meric Srokosz and the biblical scholar Rebecca Watson not only offer environmental insights on the sea, but also connect the ocean with other key issues of broader concern-spirituality, economics, chaos, and our place in the world.

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