Jesus and the Marbled Crayfish
To what extent is inequality built into the very foundation of life itself? Research into the Marmorkrebs (Marbled Crayfish) suggests that it might be.
Read MorePosted by Dr Terry Cooke-Davies | Feb 14, 2021 | Spirituality |
To what extent is inequality built into the very foundation of life itself? Research into the Marmorkrebs (Marbled Crayfish) suggests that it might be.
Read MorePosted by Dr Terry Cooke-Davies | Feb 13, 2021 | Books |
In both time and space, the cosmos is astoundingly vast, and yet is governed by simple, elegant, universal mathematical laws.
On this cosmic timeline, our human era is spectacular but fleeting. Someday, we know, we will all die. And, we know, so too will the universe itself. —
Read MorePosted by Dr Terry Cooke-Davies | Nov 13, 2020 | Books |
The Upswing is Robert D. Putnam’s brilliant analysis of economic, social, cultural and political trends from the Gilded Age to the present, showing how America went from an individualistic ‘I’ society to a more communitarian ‘We’ society and then back again, and how we can all learn from that experience. —
Read MorePosted by Dr Terry Cooke-Davies | Nov 9, 2020 | Books |
For centuries, the scientific question of life’s origins has confounded us. But in Every Life Is on Fire, physicist Jeremy England argues that the answer has been under our noses the whole time, deep within the laws of thermodynamics. England explains how, counterintuitively, the very same forces that tend to tear things apart assembled the first living systems.
But how life began isn’t just a scientific question. We ask it because we want to know what it really means to be alive. So England, an ordained rabbi, uses his theory to examine how, if at all, science helps us find purpose in a vast and mysterious universe. —
Posted by Dr Terry Cooke-Davies | Nov 6, 2020 | Books |
Synthesizing thirty years of research, psychologist and science historian, Michael Shermer upends the traditional thinking about how humans form beliefs about the world. Simply put, beliefs come first and explanations for beliefs follow. The brain, Shermer argues, is a belief engine. Using sensory data that flow in through the senses, the brain naturally looks for and finds patterns – and then infuses those patterns with meaning, forming beliefs. Once beliefs are formed, our brains subconsciously seek out confirmatory evidence in support of those beliefs, which accelerates the process of reinforcing them, and round and round the process goes in a positive-feedback loop. —
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