Issue: Cosmology

Science, Philosophy & Spirituality – Season 1

An integrated review of what science, philosophy and spirituality contribute to our understanding and experience of the world today.
We each have a unique ‘worldview’ that is shaped by our knowledge, experiences and our beliefs. This course will provide the opportunity to examine (and possibly expand) that worldview in the light of modern scientific discoveries, critical questions posed by philosophers, and diverse beliefs revealed through spiritual traditions. It will be of particular interest to people who care about the lasting damage that humanity is causing to our home planet, and who are seeking to understand what resources the fields of science, philosophy and spirituality can offer

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Inventing the Universe

We just can’t stop talking about the big questions around science and faith. They haven’t gone away, as some predicted they might; in fact, we seem to talk about them more than ever. Far from being a spent force, religion continues to grow around the world. Meanwhile, Richard Dawkins and the New Atheists argue that religion is at war with science – and that we have to choose between them.

It’s time to consider a different way of looking at these two great cultural forces. What if science and faith might enrich each other? What if they can together give us a deep and satisfying understanding of life?

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