Issue: Atheism

Inventing the Universe

We just can’t stop talking about the big questions around science and faith. They haven’t gone away, as some predicted they might; in fact, we seem to talk about them more than ever. Far from being a spent force, religion continues to grow around the world. Meanwhile, Richard Dawkins and the New Atheists argue that religion is at war with science – and that we have to choose between them.

It’s time to consider a different way of looking at these two great cultural forces. What if science and faith might enrich each other? What if they can together give us a deep and satisfying understanding of life?

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A New Story

Thomas Berry (1914 – 2009) argued passionately that we need a New Story that provides a shared meaning for humankind of whatever faith (or none) to pursue their own different activities as fruitful and responsible members of the earth community.

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Current Issues

11 thoughtful discussion papers about controversial issues concerning the church, faith and scripture that can create challenges for Christians today.  Faith and Science, Ethics and Morality, Conflict and Violence, Evil and Disaster are all topics that are considered thoughtfully in the light of both up-to-date scientific knowledge and spiritual wisdom contained in the Bible.

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