Rubens' painting, "The School of Athens"

Instructions for Using This Page

 Each of the sections of this web page links to a resource that will help to remind you of this module of our Science, Philosophy and Spirituality course.  Just click on the section, and you will be linked to the resource.  

When you are reading an article from this website online, blocks of text in bold coloured type that make reference to an external source are “clickable”.  If you click on them, you will be taken to the resource to which they refer.


Link to PDF of the slides shown in the session.  

The module reviewed the early Medieval period in the Islamic Empires, Tang Dynasty China, Byzantium and Western Christendom.


Link to a downloadable PDF showing a timeline covering the period from roughly 500 AD to 1000 AD with some key dates in each of the four empires discussed during the session.

Link to Article:  “Faiths and Empires”

An article that accompanies the material shown during this discussion session.  The sequence of topics in the article mirrors the slides shown, so it amounts to a commentary on the PowerPoint presentation.

 Link to Handout:  Discussion questions

Link to a handout that contains the full text of each of the three questions, as well as instructions for the group discussions.

Additional Material Relating to the “Marriage and Families Programme”.

LINK to Diagram

Showing key social and psychological processes set in motion by the Church’s laws concerning Marriage and Family Property.

Link to Table

Showing key milestones in what Joseph Henrich calls the Church’s “Marriage and Family Programme”

Link to YouTube Video

Joseph Henrich explains his concept of how what he calls the Church’s “Marriage and Families Programme” has resulted in people in Western countries becoming WEIRD; Western, Educated, Industrialised, Rich, and Democratic.

Additional Material Concerning Tang Dynasty China

Link to Handout

Explanation of the Tang Dynasty’s Administration Structure.

Link to Handout

Link to a handout providing further background information on Empress Wu, China’s only Empress.

Books referenced during the Module

(Click on a cover picture for further details about the book)

Four horsemen of the Aocalypse

Link to Course Home Page

Click on this link to return to the Home Page for Season 2 of the Shepway and District u3a Science, Philosophy and Spirituality programme.